Tell future students why this class was eunderestimated€
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July 27, 2020

Community Treatment Orders

Essay topic
The prescriptive nature of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) has led to debate about the coercive nature of this legislative development. This debate helps to show the interface between ethics and the law in mental health practice: on what basis is it just to lawfully deprive a person of freedom(s)? Discuss.Starting references to assist you:Light, E.M., Kerridge, I.H., Ryan, C.J., & Robertson, M.D. (2012). Community treatment orders in Australia: Rates and patterns of use. Australasian Psychiatry, 20, 478-482.Light, E.M., Kerridge, I.H., Ryan, C.J., & Robertson, M.D. (2012). Out of sight, out of mind: Making involuntary community treatment visible in the mental health system. Medical Journal of Australia, 196, 591-593.