Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists  
October 18, 2020
Credit Data Solutions
October 18, 2020


Part Two

Several communities of practice exist within an organization. The obvious benefit of a CoP is the help that the group members offer one another. Coming in contact with a CoP whose main activity is concerned with historical bankty of dealing with historic banknotes but to how the activities included in the running of the Community of purpose are undertaken. First, the members have a mutual interest in the bank notes, which makes the activities in the group easier and enjoyable. Second, the work of safeguarding the history of the country makes the CoP more interesting. When each one takes their time to collect, mend then store those notes, satisfaction comes with it since they have helped in keeping vital part of history. The CoP makes one competent in the work involved since the members take time to teach and help each other through the work.In summary, the CoP helps its members to deal with challenges better through sharing of problems and responsibilities, improving one’s confidence and provision of access to expertise via knowledgeable members in the group. The greatest long-term

Though the benefits of belonging to a community of practice in an organization may be many, these benefits tend to favor the group and not the individual. An individual can indulge oneself too much into the group to a stage where personal development is no longer a priority. A community of practice can be limiting through two ways: individual actions and the group members’ actions. The main purpose of a CoP is sharing ideas, ideals and helping each other out. That is why more often than not, members of a particular CoP are either from the same department in the company or a similar job description if they are from different firms.A member of the group may rely too much on the others in solving work-related problems. The reliance may be due to lazinessjealous members. Members who do not like seeing others succeed. These members will make decisions on behalf of the group to undermine the hard work of the others.

Finallycompany, hence fostering a friendly working environment.