Community Assessment Report on Churchill, Victoria. (Melbourne, Australia)

Case Study Analysis Paper 3: A Tale of Two Coaches (Benchmark Assessment)
July 30, 2020
Intelligence Collection Techniques
July 30, 2020

Community Assessment Report on Churchill, Victoria. (Melbourne, Australia)

Community Assessment Report on Churchill, Victoria. (Melbourne, Australia)
Details of task:
You are a novice registered nurse who has commenced employment atthe local rural or remote community health centre. Part of your role is to understand the needsof the local community. For this assessment you are to research Churchill (Gippsland), victoria, Melbourne Australia communityin Gippsland and identify all the services, access to government support, support systems,service opportunities, and other factors that affect the social determinants of health in thatcommunity. The assessment report should provide background demographics for thecommunity and show that you have used government and local demographic data to identifyareas of strength and areas of need in the community. You are expected to provide adiscussion on how the social determinants influence the health of the Churchill, VictoriaIn the Churchill, Victoria Report have to include colourful graphs, tables, maps etc.
The report for assignment needs to cover the social determinants of health which would include the following areas:
Background to the township
Physical Environment
Health and social services
Use headings, tables, figures or tables to display the information. Minimal dot points are allowable if appropriate, but the assignment must demonstrate your understanding of the factors affecting Churchill
Referencing for assignment only from year 2008 to 2014 no earlier than that. You are able to use internet references but should try to use quality ones such as Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Health and local council websites.