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April 2, 2020
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April 3, 2020

communication techniques

communication techniques

Learning Objectives

1. Evaluate four communication techniques used within a real word situation

2. Justify why each technique was


3. Make recommendations for improvement

4. Analyse gathered information

5. Justify findings and decisions


There are many

way people communicate. These include presentations, networking, grapevine, reports, memos, letters, noticeboards, bulletins, newsletters,
announcement systems, telephone, fax, graph, tables, spreadsheets, databases, PowerPoint, email, webcam, video conference. There are many
other methods as well.

These communications occur between people by communication channels which can formal or informal. The can also be

either oral, written orvisual. They can be hard or soft copy based.

Yourtask will be to evaluate these and communicate them to me using a

suitable communication channel.


1. You need to choose 4 ways that people communicate. You should have at least 1 that is

formal and electronic. You need to then explain howthis communication occurs. Higher marks will be awarded for lots of details.
2. In your

work organization you will need to find 4 ways that people communicate. Explain howthey communicate in yourworkplace. If you are not
working then please use yourwork placement. You will need to explain the process in details if you want to get a high mark.

3. Explain

why these are the chosen methods of communication (you will need to look at the benefits and costs).

4. Explain ifthese methods of

communication could be improved at yourwork? If so explain how?

5. Explain some other communication methods and channels that could be

used at yourworkplace that are currently not being used? How would they improve communication? You will get extra credit if you provide
more than 1 method.

5. You need to present yourfindings using a formal electronic medium. Justify your chosen communication channel. You

will get higher marks if you chose an appropriate method.


Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Below Pass

Chooses and

explains 4 methods of communication. Details including processes are provided

Explains 4 methods of communication at workplace.

Details including processes and examples are provided

Explains why communication channels at the workplace are chosen


howthese methods could be improved in detail and examples

Explains other methods that could be used at workplace as well. The

processes and benefits are explained

Explains howthey would improve communication including benefits

Use appropriate format


Uses references and bibliography. At least 2 sources are used

Good format skills and language. Use of good grammer

and spelling and headings

The project meets the deadline