Communication- Persuasion-Types of Influence.

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Communication- Persuasion-Types of Influence.

Communication- Persuasion-Types of Influence.


•    Cialdini, R. B. (2009).  Influence: Science and Practice, 5th Edition.  New York: Harper Collins.

•    Gass, R.H. & Seiter, J.S. (2014).  Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining, 5th Edition.    New York: Pearson.

Please answer using complete sentences and your own words.  Direct quotes should be used sparingly and should include proper citation.  Each response should be approximately one to three paragraphs.

11)    What distinguishes attempts at persuasion from propaganda?  Under which would you classify political campaigns, and why?

12)    Describe (not list) the six factors that Gass & Seiter suggest comprise a communicative context.

13)    Describe the Elaboration Likelihood Model.  How does it differ from the Heuristic Systematic Model?

14)    What is the difference between persuasion and compliance?  Describe a situation in which compliance might be a more appropriate goal.

15)    Describe (not list) the seven situational dimensions that affect compliance-gaining strategies?

16)    Watch the video “Toxic Sludge is Good For You”.  In what ways did the “campaigns” discussed violate ethical guidelines for the use of persuasion?
