Communicating, Research: Preparing Manuscripts, Posters, and Talks

Communicating, Research: Preparing Manuscripts, Posters, and Talks

Communicating, Research: Preparing Manuscripts, Posters, and Talks

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Chapter Summary
Topic: Communicating Research: Preparing Manuscripts, Posters, and Talks

1. Identify three methods of communication among scientists
• Three methods of communication among scientists are to publish a manuscript, present a poster, and give a talk. ( Explain each three methods)

2. Describe three elements of communication.
• Three elements in communication are the speaker or author, the audience, and the message. (Explain each elements)
3. Explain APA writing style and language guidelines for writing a manuscript.
Accurate, comprehensive, concise, conservative; and appropriate. (Explain each guideline)

4. The APA formatting requirements for writing a manuscripts are: title page, abstract, main body, (includes introduction, methods, results and discussion), reference, footnotes (if any) tables (if any) and appendices (if any). (Explain each requirement)

5. What are APA guidelines for writing and organizing a literature review article?
• A literature review article is a written comprehensive report of finding from previously published works about a problem in the form of a synthesis of previous articles or as a meta-analysis. (Briefly explain the following)
o Identify the problem and how it will be evaluated.
o Integrate the literature to identify the state of the research.
o Identify how findings and interpretations in the published literature are related or consistent, or are inconsistent, contradictory, or flawed.
o Consider the progress made in an area of research and potential next steps toward clarifying the problem.
6. Identify guidelines for effectively presenting a poster. (Explain)
• A poster is a concise description of a research study in the form of a display of text boxes, figures, tables on a single large page. A poster is presented at a conference or professional meeting in a poster session.

7. Identify guidelines for effectively giving a professional talk (Briefly explain each)
• Arrive early
• Dress appropriately, introduce yourself,
• Begin with an attention –grabbers
• Use technology to facilitate your talk, keep the talk focused
• Follow through with question, and always end with references and acknowledges.

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