comment anastashia

comment anastashia


The implementation of an outreach program benefiting the needy members of the community would necessitate combined efforts of different stakeholders, including nursing leaders, managers, the government and even the general public, among many others (Huber, 2013). In order to guarantee success of the outreach program, it is worth noting that effective communication is vital, whether verbal or non-verbal, with the aim of creating a shared vision among all the stakeholders (Huber, 2013). As a nurse leader, written communication, which is non-verbal, is critical to the understanding of the different stakeholders since such a methodology can be documented for future reference, especially in cases of conflicts (Huber, 2013). Such forms of written communication includes letters, memos, emails, reports and brochures, among others, which can be utilized depending on the relationship between the sender and receiver.

It would be effective for a nurse leader to utilize memos or emails to communicate with the followers, who are fellow nurses, since such can enforce professionalism in the workplace (Graham-Dickerson, Houser, Thomas, Casper, Erkenbrack, Wenzel, & Siegrist, 2013). The emails or memos sent to the followers would contain sufficient information regarding the outreach program, with this being followed by meetings which would employ verbal communication. On the other hand, communication with the members of the target community could utilize brochures which contain vital information on the outreach program, with this being succeeded by educational meetings using verbal communication (Graham-Dickerson et al., 2013). The application of strategic management would embrace shared leadership between the top level staffs and other employees, assuring a proper conception of the goals of the outreach program (Graham-Dickerson et al., 2013). Additionally, the utilization of strategic management would facilitate an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the nurses in undertaking the outreach program, with a proper identification of the available opportunities for exploitation in the target community.


Graham-Dickerson, P., Houser, J., Thomas, E., Casper, C., Erkenbrack, L., Wenzel, M. & Siegrist, M. (2013). The value of staff nurse involvement in decision making. Journal of Nursing Administration , 43(5), 286-292.

Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and nursing care management. London: Elsevier Health Sciences.

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