Peer and Self-Assessment
May 11, 2020
American Literature
May 11, 2020

College essay writing

College essay writing


College essay writing has always been a daunting task to most college going students. However, other students have found writing college essay papers to be an interesting task. The secret of writing quality college essay lies in following the correct procedures whenever one is writing essay papers. This will help the writer to come up with a free flowing idea when writing an essay. In addition, it will also ensure that the essay is well organized. College essays must follow a basic structure no matter the purpose. Basic structure guides the writer to prepare an essay with flowing ideas. Writing an essay paper is an easy task if the writer follows the correct structure and procedures. The following are main steps and procedures the writer must follow when writing college essay.

College essay writing structure and procedures

1) Introduction

College essay writing can be quite interesting depending on how the writer introduces the essay topic. Every essay is supposed to have the introductory part which is generally the first paragraph of the essay. The introduction part of the essay should provide an overview of the essay. The writer is expected to start his or her college essay writing with fascinating statements to attract the attention of the readers. The writer is then required to explain their first statement in subsequent sentences. This is further followed with the writer’s opinion on the essay topic in the thesis statement. Introduction part of the essay is supposed to provide an overview of what the writer discussed in the essay. This is because some essay readers do not have time to read the whole essay. Therefore, the writer should strive to capture the main points in the introduction. The essay writer may use a few sentences whenever he or she feels that the introductory information is not clear to the reader. The writer is advisable to avoid using boring words in the essay. However, the information provided must relate to the topic of the essay. Thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the introduction part of the essay.

2) Main body

College essay writing is quite challenging when it comes to this part.The body is part of the essay in which the topic is explained and argued in detail. The body of the essay is arranged into paragraphs. The number of paragraphs depends on the contents and the number of main ideas the writer wants to explain. Short college essays usually have less than three paragraphs. Each main idea is discussed in one paragraph and is expected to support a thesis statement. Ideas in each paragraph are clearly stated and then supported with few sentences. Furthermore, supporting sentences may also be elaborated whenever the writer finds it necessary. The writer is highly advisable to back up his or her ideas using relevant examples. It is also necessary to give a summary sentence after every paragraph. This usually sums up the idea that was discussed in the essay paragraph. Writing college essay is concentrated in the body part because this is where all ideas are described in detail. Writers are at liberty to present their views in the essay body to make it more attractive.

3) Conclusion

Conclusion is the last part of the essay structure. It sums up what is contained in the essay. Writers are expected to provide their opinions on the essay topic. Most conclusions contain a few but strong sentences. Writers are advised to make their essay conclusion as brief as possible. Providing a brief review of the main points discussed in the essay without necessarily restating is encouraged. Giving personal feelings on the essay topic is also highly recommended.



Formatting is very important in college essay writing process. The writer is therefore required to format an essay according to client’s instructions. Checking each paragraph to identify the strongest and weak points may be necessary if the writer wants to rearrange his or her paragraphs. The instructions that were given for assignment must also be cross-checked alongside the essay to ensure compliance. The writer must also review the essay to improve weak points. Re-reading will help the writer to know whether the written essay paper makes sense.