College Algebra- Repost Ways to use mathematics

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June 16, 2020
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June 16, 2020

College Algebra- Repost Ways to use mathematics

College Algebra- Repost Ways to use mathematics

You will be responding to another students post on Ways to use mathematics. Give positive feedback. Answer to be 7-10 sentneces. Here is Nicole’s post: I use math more then I think I realize in everyday life, especially within my jobs. When i’m cashiering at the grocery store, I have to make change with almost every transaction and be able to add and subtract quickly in my head. My second job is in a warehouse, and I take inventory of 100′s of boxes each day. I have to (again) be able to quickly add and subtract, and know multiplication/division without having to find a calculator. Math can also be found when I help my dad lay carpet or work on a house, finding the area of the living space or finding out how much materail will be needed for a certain room.