Collecting Data Via document analysis
g Data Via document analysis
(2.2 collecting Data Via Observation and 2.3 Collecting Data Via document analysis go together. I am ordering both today.)
First, review the NVivo tutorial Work with interviews, articles and other documents at Going back to the interview and observation data that you analyzed in Assignment 2.2, add to it by including relevant document data. Find at least five documents related to your interview and observations. Add these documents to your NVivo file and conduct an analysis. Using information from chapter eight and nine Patton, continue your initial coding of your data using NVivo create nodes. There are several NVivo tutorials that may be useful: organize material into themes with coding, explore your coding, find themes and analyze text, and/or visualize your project. Turn in screen shots showing your document data upload, and your initial codes. Using track changes in Word, add to your assignment 2.2, including your document analysis and any changes/additions to the coding and analysis. Share your codes and analysis with your wiki group to get feedback and incorporate this into your paper.