Cognitive Behavior Therapy – Module 7

Pulmonary/Endorcrine/GI Asthma
October 14, 2020
Religious education
October 14, 2020

Cognitive Behavior Therapy – Module 7

Topic: Cognitive Behavior Therapy – Module 7

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Please watch video clip and then write this paper instructions attached for how to access creat your own username and password
Describe the major tenets of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and include the following:
1.) The nature of People
2.) The overall theory of counseling
3.) the counseling method
Explain 2 major difference between CBT and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Next, after reviewing the CBT therapy video clip on (instructions attached )
1.) Discuss how this clip illustrates the tenets of CBT pay particular attenetionto the identification of the ABC’s
2.) Place yourself in the role of the CBT therapist in this session. Identify the ABCs in this situation with this child. Describe how you would discuss the ABCs of this particular behavior with the parent and child in this session.
3.) Explain how the technique in this clip is different from the REBT video clip you also need to observein this unit. Focus on the differences! in goals and outcomes of the techniques in your explanation.
Please do a good job this is graduate level work. ATTACHED IS THE TEXT BOOK PAGES THAT WILL ANSWER THE FIRST SET OF QUESTIONS!
You will nedd to provide one more of your own