Cognition, Behaviour and performence
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create a questionnaire, a Debrief and the Ethics Form, (Debrief and Ethics form I’m sending as attachment) for this first part of a future essay.
You have done some work for me before and I’m very pleased with your work, so I will be keeping on choosing you as my writer. I will be gathering the data, and then in another order I will send it to you to complete the essay, so I’m giving you freedom regarding the DV’s so you can feel comfortable in the rest of the essay.
My deadline for this first part it’s the 7 of March, so as soon as you send me the paper I will presented to my professor and send you any comments he gives me, has I need his total approval to submitted, so we have a couple of days to exchange messages in case its necessary.
This will be the guidance lines for the essay, so the questionnaire and Ethic Form showed follow this lines;
You will design, conduct and report on an experiment that addresses a research question that relates to the following topic (Language).
Research Question and Experiment Design:
Ideally you should think of a research question that can be addressed by an experiment replicating and extending a previous experiment. You cannot do a straightforward replication.
It must be a genuine experiment; quasi designs (designs including gender, age, or any other demographic) are allowed only if they are clearly motivated by existing published research.
The experimental design must consist of two independent variables and only one dependent variable. Students should only consider 2×2 designs – do not consider anything more (or less) elaborate. These can be independent, repeated or mixed designs – select the most appropriate for your research question.
When thinking of the design (and when conducting your study!) you must ensure that you follow the ethical guidelines as laid out by the British Psychological Society.
In the method section of your experiment report, you need to explicitly state how you addressed ethical considerations.
How many participants do you need?
As the assignment requires a 2×2 design it is likely that an ANOVA analysis will be conducted (assuming your data meets the required assumptions). You should aim to achieve a minimum sample size of 32 participants in total or 8 per condition. Generally we would advise you to aim to achieve slightly more than that, so if you can recruit more participants then this would be great, but so long as you obtain a minimum of 32 participants this will be fine.
Marking scheme
Informative TITLE Should give your reader a clear idea of the nature of your study. Mention your IVs and DV.
ABSTRACT Provides a summary of the report. It should provide 1 or 2 sentences summarising each of the major sections (introduction, method, results, and discussion). It should describe the topic, what you did, what you found, and what conclusions you can draw from those findings. Abstract should be clearly written and be a maximum of 150 words in length.
What’s it all about? Briefly introduce the topic. Why is it studied? Why is it interesting?
Give theoretical overview You should provide a brief overview of the theoretical issues. What factors influence behaviour? How do your variables influence behaviour?
Discuss previous research You should provide some background information on previous research. You should include examples of previous studies, including the methods researchers used and what they found.
Justify your IVs and DV You should provide an argument in support of the factors chosen for your design, and of your measure (DV).
Hypotheses Clearly state and justify your hypotheses. Your introduction should theoretically lead on to the predictions.
Design This should be a subsection of the method section. What type of design was employed? What factors were manipulated? What dependent variable was measured? Were potential confounding variables considered?
Participants This should be a subsection of the method section. How many participants took part? What were the relevant attributes of this sample? How were they recruited?
Materials This should be a subsection of the method section. You should provide detailed information about the materials that were used, including examples. Describe how the materials were created or selected. A full set of items and materials can be put in appendices provided – the reader should be directed there.
Procedure This should be a subsection of the method section. You should provide a summary of how the study was conducted. This enables other researchers to replicate the study, so only include relevant details. Include details of how you addressed ethical considerations.
Replicable from information given? Could a naïve researcher replicate exactly what you did – based upon your method section?
Novel design? Have you attempted to combine a novel set of factors/measures?
Descriptive Statistics Is there a table/graph summarising results? Does the table/graph provide an appropriate indication of the mean results and a measure of variance (where relevant)? Is the table/graph referred to appropriately in the text?
Analysis Was the correct analysis conducted? Is it reported correctly? Are appropriate conclusions drawn? Is it adequately described?
Briefly summarise results Section should begin by summarising what was done and what was found (without including numerical values
What do the results mean? You should be able to provide an account of what happened to produce the results.
How does this relate to other findings? You should be able to relate and interpret the current findings with respect to previous studies. What does the present study add to our understanding of behaviour? What are the theoretical conclusions of your results?
What could you do next? You should be able to provide a critique of your study. If you failed to find the predicted effects, then was this due to the method employed? If you did find the predicted effects, what could you do next that would extend our understanding of your chosen topic area (future directions)?
General conclusions A summary of the implications of what you found.
Referencing Present and correct in te
Cognition, Behaviour and performencext and reference section (APA format)
Breadth of reading You should be referencing multiple books and journals of an appropriate level. Aim for at least ten sources and preferably more.
Clarity of writing Writing should be clear and concise. The APA Publication Manual has good advice on writing and structure.
Appendices These are required. Are materials included and clearly labelled?