CO2 Emissions Academic Essay

Article Summary Academic Essay
August 20, 2020
Constitutional Limitations Academic Essay
August 20, 2020

CO2 Emissions Academic Essay

CO2 Emissions
Start with the Excel spreadsheet – CO2 Emissions
You will find information regarding a 2011 study on CO2 Emissions for the United States. Included in this
report is the population (i.e

. column B), CO2 emissions per capita measured in tons (i.e. column C) for all
50 states (i.e. column A). Based on the template provided you are asked to complete the following tasks:
1. For the range in E1:F6, you are asked to compute various descriptive statistics for the CO2 Emissions
found in column C. Implement the correct formula in Excel to calculate the various statistics that
summarize all of the 50 states.
a. Hint: For the Grand Total, calculate the total CO2 emissions per capita from column C.
2. For the range E8:F15, you are asked to find the Bottom 5 CO2 emissions per capita. In other words,
you need to find the smallest value (i.e. minimum) in cell F9, second smallest value in cell F10, third
smallest value in F11, fourth smallest value in F12, and the fifth smallest in F13. To achieve this,
write a formula in cell F9 that can be filled down to F13, where the formula references the Bottom 5
values in E9:E13 respectably. Format these values as a comma style value with one decimal (i.e.
3. In cell F14, calculate the total (i.e. sum) of the Bottom 5 values found in the previous step. Format
these values as a comma style value with one decimal (i.e. 7,929.1).
4. In cell F15, calculate the percent of the grand total, which would be a ratio of the sub total found in
the previous step and the grand total found in cell F6. Format this cell with yellow fill, bold text, and
a percentage with two decimals (i.e. 25.32%)
5. For the range E17:F24, you are asked to find the Top 5 CO2 emissions per capita. In other words, you
need to find the largest value (i.e. maximum) in cell F18, second largest value in cell F19, third
largest value in F20, fourth largest value in F21, and the fifth largest in F22. To achieve this, write a
formula in cell F18 that can be filled down to F22, where the formula references the Top 5 values in
E18:E122 respectably. Format these values as a comma style value with one decimal (i.e. 7,929.1).
6. In cell F23, calculate the total (i.e. sum) of the Top 5 values found in the previous step. Format these
values as a comma style value with one decimal (i.e. 7,929.1).
7. In cell F24, calculate the percent of the grand total, which would be a ratio of the sub total found in
the previous step and the grand total found in cell F6. Format this cell with yellow fill, bold text, and
a percentage with two decimals (i.e. 25.32%).
8. For the range E26:F29, you are asked to compute a summary based off your previous analysis. For
example, in cell F27, you are asked to reference the sub total that you calculated for the Bottom 5
States from your above. Similarly, in cell F28, you are asked to reference the sub total that you
calculated for the Top 5 States form your work above. However, in cell F29, you are asked to
calculate the remaining CO2 emissions from the remaining states not represented in the Bottom or
Top summaries. Thus, this will be a calculated value, which can be computed by subtracting the sub
totals of the Bottom (F14) and Top 5 (F23) from the Grand Total Value in F6.
9. Based on the sub totals appearing in F27:F29, you are to construct a pie chart, where the three
horizontal categories will include cells E27, E28, and E29, and the values appearing in the chart
should be F27, F28, and F29 respectively. Name this chart “CO2 Emissions Study” and roughly place
the top left corner of chart in H15 and the bottom right corner in O29. Ensure that a legend appears
in the right side of your chart. Also, ensure that data labels are present in the chart. For the data
labels, show only percentages with two decimal showing (i.e. 5.43%)
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions