cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music

Joint Cost
May 13, 2020
Hidden Worldviews, Eight Cultural Stories that Sharp Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford.
May 13, 2020

cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music

cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music

Paper instructions:
This assignment is graded out of 20 (10 marks for content, 5 marks for style, and 5 marks for mechanics).
Write a substantiation, evaluation, or recommendation argument. Follow the skeleton essay format (3 main points each having at least 3 proofs)

This is an academic essay so avoid personal proofs and personal pronouns (I, you, we). Use academic sources €“ such as journals, books and scholarly on line sources. Quote from at least one source that is not online. (Go to the Leddy Library on line and search ERIC; Google has a scholar search function also). Personal experience is not to be included. Newspaper articles and Wikipedia are not strong academic proof.

Select a topic based on the exercises you completed in Units 1-3, or from a subject you are studying now or from a topic of interest. See List below. You may choose to frame a thesis based on your readings in the text. A good topic would be something that is interesting to you.

Possible topics: cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music: (rap, punk, classical etc. €“ but you must use academic sources) a famous person, feminism, political issues, pet therapy, music therapy, obesity, anorexia, communication, religion, philosophy, healthy living, breakthroughs in technology and/ or medicine, art and architecture, human rights, historical topics, human trafficking, current issues in the news, inventions in science, the United Nations€¦.If you are unsure of your topic, check with me.

You must do research. In a short paper such as this, 3-5 sources are adequate. When you are making points that need proof, give citations or quotes for each one. Each assertion you make should have proof €“ quotes, statistics, facts etc. to back it up. Use proper APA or MLA Style. Guidelines are on the CLEW link.