Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG)

Police Organization Class
July 26, 2020
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July 26, 2020

Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG)

For this discussion you will be selecting a Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) related to your area of interest. Using Chapter 8 in your text as a guide, p.191 and p. 200, evaluate your CPG. You should take a look at each area suggested by the Rapid Appraisal on page 191 and the Agree Instrument on page 201, then write some of the key points regarding the CPG you select. Mention the strong points and any areas that are not included. One area that I would like to have you address is #5 on page 200. Is this a CPG that you would consider using? why or why not? Use at least one outside source for referencingRequired Textbooks:
Melnyk, B. M. &Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-Based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott
Kellar, S. P. & Kelvin, E.A. (2013).Munros statistical methods for health care research (6th ed). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott