?v?lu?ting ?ss?y
March 14, 2020
Describe the type of hedonism for which Epicurus advocates. How do his ideas on ethics compare with the systems of Mill and Aristotle?
March 14, 2020

classical studies

Answer any seven questions from Section A.
Each question is allocated 5 marks
Classical Drama—Sophocles,
Oedipus the King
Oedipus: People of Thebes, why are you here?
At the start of the play, why do the people of Thebes appeal to Oedipus for help?
Priest: The men over there are signalling—Creon’s just arriving.
In what ways does Creon support Oedipus throughout the play?
Oedipus: You, my lord Teiresias, are the one saviour we can find.
Explain what happens when Oedipus meets the blind prophet Teiresias.
Roman Archaeology and Civilisation
“The Vindolanda writing tablets are an important archaeological find.”
Describe the writing tablets, and how they have increased our knowledge of
Roman Britain.
“Archaeology has revealed much about a soldier’s life in Britain.”
Describe how archaeological finds have improved our knowledge of soldiers’ lives.
“Britain was actually ‘invaded’ on a number of occasions by the Romans.”
Describe the similarities and differences between the invasions of Julius Caesar in
55–54 BC and the invasion under Claudius in 43 AD.
Classical Mythology
“Throw the bones of your Mother behind you.”
Give more details of the myth from which this extract comes.