Clarity of thought and expression. Presented in a clear and logical structure.

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Clarity of thought and expression. Presented in a clear and logical structure.

Clarity of thought and expression. €“ Presented in a clear and logical structure. Demonstrated knowledge ofthe law €“ Identifies and recites the particular legal issues and legalprinciples raised by the question, including what legislation and what case law is relevant. €“ Demonstrates an understanding ofthe scope
and operation ofthe relevant legal issues and legal principles. €“ Goes beyond recommended readings / evidence ofwider reading and research. Analytical skills €“ Applies the appropriate legal issues and legal principles to the question. €“ Evaluates the legal arguments on either side and reaches a logical conclusion. €“ Identifies any relevant legal policy issues (eg. legal vs moral arguments).

Presentation €“ Typed, justified text, bibliography. €“ Correct citations of cases and legislation. €“ Layout / setting out (use of appropriate headings €“ clarity, ease of reading). €“ Conformity with Canberra Law Review Style Guide and formal requirements expressed in the Unit Outline and assessment item cover sheet.