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October 19, 2020
Systems Theory
October 19, 2020

Civil Liberties/ Rights

The article is based on the issues surrounding the funding of campaigns in the United States of America. The congress believes that the Supreme Court is slowly taking away the power of raising and spending money in elections. The senate has therefore moved to seek constitutional amendments that will help them secure this power.Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) proposed the resolution. However, the writer of the article supports another procedure when it comes to sourcing campaign funding.

The senate requires at least 67 votes to pass this amendment. There are only 53 democrats and there is no republican who has given that proposal any support yet. This amendment will therefore be very difficult to pass through the congress. The 1% campaign funding has been outsourced and politicians spend as much as 70% of their campaign time raising campaign money. Furthermore, they only focus on around 150,000 Americans. For aspirants who wage small-dollar backed campaigns, the democrats propose offering matching funds to such candidates. On the other hand, republicans are proposing tax credits.A SuperPAC reform-based drive in five districts was created as an alternative to these amendments. The campaign is aiming to raise at least $12 million dollars to fund the 2016 elections. On May 1st, 2014, the campaign launched its first challenge which was to raise $1 million within 30 days. With the support of more than 13,000 supporters, they surpassed the target within 13 days. The campaign is now moving to launch its second challenge, which is to raise $5 million within 30 days (Lessig& McKinnon, 2014).

The proposal to use the SuperPAC campaign to raise funds has received overwhelming support and it is a good idea according to my opinion. The entire American populace will eventually get involved in the matters of campaigning and the focus will not be only on individuals with business interests. The writer is however biased because he wrote the article on the premise that the amendments proposed by the congress are bound to fail.


Lessig, Lawrence & McKinnon Mark (2014).Our New SuperPAC Is Going To Change      American Politics for $12 million. Retrieved on 9thJune, 2014 from
