Cigarette smoking is the single most important factor in the development of lung cancer. Please discuss whether people who smoke around children have

Prepare a chart that you have divided into five age groups: childhood (5-12 years old), adolescence (13-19 years old), young adults (20-34 years old),
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020

Cigarette smoking is the single most important factor in the development of lung cancer. Please discuss whether people who smoke around children have

Order Description1.Cigarette smoking is the single most important factor in the development of lung cancer. Please discuss whether people who smoke around children have any legal responsibility for exposing children to secondhand smoke.Should people who smoke be denied employment or health, life, or disability insurance?Should smokers pay higher insurance premiums than nonsmokers?2.Relate what you read in the chapter and discuss unsafe activities or behaviors in which you have knowingly participated at any time in the past (e.g., driving too fast, not fastening seat belts, using an unstable stepladder).Discuss possible reasons behind your behaviors and list at least one strategy for avoiding the unsafe behaviors.6-7 sentences for each question. No sources needed.
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