Computer Literacy Week 2 Discussion
October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020

“Choosing to Cheat”

Topic: “Choosing to Cheat”

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

CHMN 201 Guidelines for Writing “Choosing to Cheat” Paper

This paper should be 4–7 pages in length – but should not exceed seven
pages!!! The rule-of-thumb on papers is that you give the professor
the “11th draft!” – meaning, be sure your presentation of thoughts and
grammar are clear and do not frustrate the reader.

There are FOUR SECTIONS to this “Choosing to Cheat” Paper.

List the FIVE (5) most meaningful sentences in this book – along with
the chapter and page number – and give an explanation of why you chose
each of these five sentences.

Identify an area(s) in your life that you have recognized that you
think either IS or WILL be an area of “concern” or “caution” that you
will have to be conscious of in order not to cheat your
family/friends/God of your time & undivided attention. In other words,
identify the areas of your life that you believe that, if left
un-checked, you could easily give more time and attention to those
areas and cheat your family/friends/God of your time & undivided

Choose an individual (spouse, family member, close friend) who knows
you very well and who would be directly affected (either positively or
negatively) by the choices you make in this area and ask him/her/them
how if they agree with your own assessment of yourself (as you
described in PART TWO). In other words, have them respond to the
question: “How am I doing in the area of giving you my time and
undivided attention?”
(Note to write: This area I would write about a good friend who I
mentor – his name is Sean. He would say at times I do very well and at
times I could work on this)

A Helpful Suggestion with PART THREE: Tell this person earlier in the
day that you will be asking them this question later on today and that
they should be thinking about what they will share with you. This will
allow you to receive a really thorough and thoughtful response rather
than a “spare-of-the-moment” response that may not serve as the best
gauge of their feelings. When you do ask them the question, give them
the ability to speak freely and totally uninterrupted by you for up to
10 minutes (if needed). After you hear from them, ask them for
suggestions on how you can make your relationship stronger in this
area – ask for some very practical ideas. After your conversation,
pray together and thank God for providing clarity to your life
situation and then ask Him for the “wisdom to obey.”

After you complete this task, please provide a general (does not have
to be specific for the sake of your privacy) summary of your
conversation with the individual. Did they confirm what you already
knew? Did they bring up something you were unaware of? What was your
personal feeling(s) as you were discussing this issue with them?

Offer anywhere from 5-7 (or more) very practical, specific safeguards
that you have set in place in your life that acts as a constant
reminder and governs your actions so that you don’t cheat your
family/friends/God of your time & undivided attention.
Offer anywhere from 5-7 (or more) very practical, specific safeguards
that you WILL set in place in your life that will act as a constant
reminder and govern your actions so that you don’t cheat your
family/friends/God of your time & undivided attention.

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS for the “Choosing to Cheat” Paper:
NOTE: If one Format requirement is missing, the student’s grade will
be reduced by 10%.

Your paper must be typed in Times New Roman font! No handwritten
papers will be accepted.
Your font must be 12 point – no larger; no smaller!
Margins should be one inch – no larger; no smaller!
Your Last name first (see below), course name/number, date of
submission, and “Choosing to Cheat” Paper should be provided on the
top left corner of this paper. This heading must be SINGLE SPACED.
There is no standard format for this paper (i.e MLA, APA, Turabian,
etc…). Just be consistent in your formatting throughout your paper.
The body of your paper must be DOUBLE-SPACED.
There are four “Parts” to this assignment. At the beginning of each
section, you must label which part you are addressing and the question
– both of which should be in BOLD. Below is an example of the body of
your paper.

The 5 sources should be the 5 quotes from the book and page number.

[An Example of a correctly formatted “Choosing to Cheat” Paper]

Last Name, First Name
CHMN 201
Date of submission
“Choosing to Cheat” Paper

PART ONE – FIVE (5) MEANINGFUL SENTENCES. xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxtzxyzx




PART TWO – RATE YOURSELF. xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzx xyzxyzxyzxzxyzxy




PART THREE – A CONVERSATION. xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzx xyzxyzxyzxzxy




PART FOUR – 4-7 SAFEGUARDS. xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzx xyzxyzxyzxzxyzxy



