SPart 2:
Choose the presentation tool you will be using for your class presentation.
Introduce the organism you will be basing your course project
Familiarize yourself with the Course Project and multimedia program options by reading the SCIN130 Course Project Guide. Using the program you decide to use for your Week 7 multimedia Presentation (Prezi or Screencast), create a brief presentation (1-2 slides/elements) about the organism you chose for your course project. The organism should come from one of the four major kingdoms (Protist, Fungus, Plant, or Animal) and be indigenous to the area in which you reside. The organism should not be a domesticated pet but rather a species that is native to the local area where you live. Please include the following information about your species in your introductory presentation via an attached link along with your virtual introduction and be sure to choose an organism not already selected by one of your classmates:
1. Common and scientific names of the organism
2. Area of residence (city, state, country, etc.)
3. Why you chose this organism
For instructions on how to create and upload your presentation see the following links: Prezi Presentation Creation and Uploading Instructions and Screencast Creation and Uploading Instructions.
One of the drawbacks to online learning is that you miss out on the interactions from your classmates. Therefore, please take this opportunity to interact with at least two of your classmates by responding to their entries. Feel free to ask questions about each other and your course projects as you will be spending the next eight weeks together sharing in the experiences of this course. On that note, classroom community is a huge part of the learning experience so in addition to your initial posts and reply posts, be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to any questions or requests for clarification. The forums are a great way to build a classroom community, learn from one another, and connect with your peers so be sure to check the forums regularly in order to keep the dialogue moving!