Choose one of the major schools of psychological thought covered

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July 2, 2020
 Managing Resistance to Change (Introduction to Healthcare Administration)
July 2, 2020

Choose one of the major schools of psychological thought covered

  1. Choose one of the major schools of psychological thought covered in the Schultz and Schultz textbook and write a paper in which you draw a historical connection between a contemporary clinician or researcher (i.e., a person who is alive right now and actively practicing psychology) and the particular school of thought. First, describe the origins of the school of thought and summarize a fundamental theory that characterizes it.


    Then, compare and contrast your contemporary psychologist with an early contributor to the school of thought, paying particular attention to the differences or similarities that have transpired over time. What differences or

similarities do you note? What do you think accounts for these differences or similarities? What do you infer about the current characteristics of the school of thought after you compare and contrast the contemporary evidence to its historical origins?
