Choose one of the four poems from Poem Group 1 in Unit 6. Create a detailed thesis

Early Intervention
July 6, 2020
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July 6, 2020

Choose one of the four poems from Poem Group 1 in Unit 6. Create a detailed thesis

· Analysis Paper 1 Draft (PAPER one )

Choose one of the four poems from Poem Group 1 in Unit 6. Create a detailed thesis and write a 1000 word analysis paper. I would like to set up a peer edit, but unsure if that will work in the Open Enrollment class as everyone will be on your own schedules, so I look over every draft, comment on it, and send it back for you to work on for your final

· Poetry Exercise: Imagery

Carolyn Forche describes an affair on a train,Plath a room where her life changed. Now it’s your turn: Recall some place thatyou visit often, or a place where you occasionally spend time, but one thatallows your imagination to soar. In a fifteen-minute free-writing session,describe both that place and one or two of the mental journeys you’ve takenfrom there. (Don’t limit yourself: This could be a special spot by a stream, achair where you read good books, or even a movie theater or an art gallery.) Whenyou’re through, go back and circle those words and phrases that do the best jobof capturing the concrete, sensory detail of both the place and the experiencesyou wrote about.

Analysis Paper darft 2

Choose one of the poems from Poem Group 2, create a strong thesis and then write another 1000 word analysis paper.

· Poetry Exercise: Line

Write about leaving – whetherit’s divorce, leaving the house this morning, finishing a really good book, ora friend dying – you decide! Free write about this topic for fifteen minutes,and then go back and circle significant words and phrases. Next, draft outseveral short test lines in which you end the line on one of these significantwords – even if the word leads right into the next line.

Analysis paper 3

Now it’s time to move on to analysing prose. Write a 1000 word analysis paper on one of the short stories we have read this class. Again this is for the draft and you will have a chance to revise.