Choose a current human rights issue in Australia or internationally, in one of the two broad areas of privacy rights, or refugee/asylum rights.
Choose one perspective – either the Natural (personhood) approach to human rights, or the Political approach to human rights – by which to explain the human rights violation you identify in this issue.
Based on research, explain the human rights issue (the problem) and who is affected by it (the vulnerable group) from the perspective of either the Natural (personhood) or the Political approach to human rights. Explain the legal and/or policy response of the relevant domestic government to the problem. Explain the response of the international community (such as the UN) to problem; or explain the response of the international community to comparable situations. Make an argument for how (by what means) the international community should compel the domestic government to change its policies and/or laws to aid the vulnerable group. Explain what these changes should be. In conclusion, explain why the actions of the international community and the domestic government that you recommend are consistent with the perspective of human rights (Natural (personhood), or Political), that you identify in your essay.
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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions