Observing and studying the leadership behaviour of existing or past leaders can be helpful in developing an appreciation of how leadership works in practice. For this assignment you are required to choose a case written about a leader and investigate their approach to leadership. You may use any case you wish so long as it is not one that you have already prepared for this course.
Criteria for Assessment: This submission will be marked against the following criteria:
•Provide a short description of the background to the case. This should identify the leader and the nature of the leadership challenge or context.
•Discuss the main leadership lessons that you have taken from the case and outline why you feel that these lessons are important for your own leadership.
•Review how any of the leadership theories covered on the course have helped you develop an understanding of the leadership described in the case.
Length of Submission: Your submission should be around 1950 words in length (excluding references).
Please note that the required textbook for this course was:
•Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage Publications, 2012.
The current edition is the 6th edition – but the earlier 5th edition is acceptable.