– breakdown of birth rates by Asian country and if there are more males than females born. If so, why do the Asian males exhibit a more timid sexual nature though
they are drowning in women?
– Racial humiliation as a fetish
– half of Japan’s male population are bachelors
– study of self-esteem, broken down by race (look it up, please)
– how sex is seen by the different Asian cultures
– Asian male underrepresentation in porn
– the myth of the oriental woman
– Asian male underrepresentation in mainstream media
– historical context of how Asians were shown in US media (either as an evil villain with a seductive beautiful daughter or as an asexual individual)
– how social/familial matriarchy within the different Asian cultures (if there is one) affects this phenomenon of weak Asian male
– how this phenomenon may not be as prevalent for gay Asian males, and why
– how Asian media portrays men