Children’s Advocacy in Human Services Custom Essay

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Children’s Advocacy in Human Services Custom Essay

Frontline workers in child care play a significant role in the realization of children rights and in assisting them to gain access to proper and adequate government services. Advocacy works to prevent breaches of human rights of varying classes of children such as children of the poor and those with incarcerated parents among others. There are documents that outline child advocacy promises such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the World Summit for Children and those arising from the Child Rights Caucus of 2000 which guide child frontline workers in defending children’s’ rights (Grover, 2004). There are many agencies in the area of human services. The agencies provide services for children and family and work to prevent and respond to child maltreatment among other services. Many of these agencies work under the office of the administration for Children and services. Advocacy supports four facets of wellbeing namely cognitive functioning, physical health and development, social functioning and emotional functioning (Lou, Anthony, Stone, Vu, & Austin, 2008).