Children should not be spanked in order to discipline them for negative behavior.

One Thousand and One Nights and Arabic Culture
September 14, 2020
Designing Quantitative Research
September 15, 2020

Children should not be spanked in order to discipline them for negative behavior.

Parents use many ways to discipline their children as a way of correcting bad behavior.However, many parents don’t understand the effects these ways of instilling discipline have on their kids.Many reasons have been cited as to why you should not use spanking as a means of correcting negative behavior. Spanking a child shows that “stronger” is right. It makes a child believes that whoever is bigger and stronger decides what is right and wrong. It also shows that violence solves problem. It also destroys self-esteem. Spanking also increases the likelihood of developing mental health symptoms later in life. It also causes a bad parent to child relationship, and this causes mistrust. Besides, it makes a child afraid, and when a child is afraid, it becomes difficult for them to learn. It also causes a child to lie to avoid detection or even to avoid you. I agree that spanking is not the right way to discipline children for negative behavior.

Spanking a child shows that “stronger” is right. Spanking is a means of physical punishment, and it has been shown to send a very bad message to a child according to (Dr.Swanson 63) .You use physical strength to spank a child, and this means that you are punishing him or her because you are stronger than him or her. Children come to believe that older people who are stronger or bigger than them have the rights to punish them. Those children when they grow and become stronger tend to abuse those people who are weaker than them. This belief has resulted in an increase in abuse whereby young people physically abuse older and weaker people because they are stronger than them. Children believe that being stronger gives you the right to decide what is right and wrong. They abuse children who are younger than them just because they are stronger than them, and they thinks that they are supposed to decide what is right and wrong for them.

Spanking gives an example that violence is a way of solving problems. When you spank a child, it’s a form of physical punishment, and it portrays violence. Children think that their disciplines are violent by spanking them. Punishing a child is a form of bullying. Besides, other factors that contribute to aggressiveness in children such as mother’s depression, drug abuse, spousal abuse or even whether the mother considered abortion when pregnant, spanking remained the chief cause of violent behavior in children, (Cathrine et al.).This violence is even displayed to the younger children by, the elder ones and even to the parents when these children grows up. Parents should learn other better ways of disciplining their children when they wrong them because spanking sends a wrong message to the children. Violence should never be shown as a way of solving problems because this is totally wrong, and that is why am agreeing that spanking should never be used as a disciplinary measure to correct bad behavior.

Spanking has also been shown to interfere with self-esteem of a child. It becomes confusing when children are hit or spanked by the same people who are supposed to protect them. It makes children question themselves and asks what could be wrong with makes children hate themselves because they believe that parents are supposed to protect them and not harm them, and this lowers their self-esteem. Spanking has in the long run been associated with the development of antisocial behavior and also causes low esteem as stated by Dr.Patrick.If you want your child to succeed in life, and then you should not do things that can lower her self-esteem.

Spanking as a means of discipline measure to correct bad behavior has also been associated with the cause of mental health symptoms later in life. According to (Gershoff E, T. 15), physical punishment such as spanking has been linked with childrens’mental impairments such as anxiety, depression, drug abuse and general psychological maladjustments. He also said that, one means by which it causes mental impairments in children is by increasing the stress levels. Despite spanking causing mental impairments, it causes a bad parent to child relationship. Children trust their parents as they see parents as the only means of their protection, so when a parent spank a child; that child cannot trust him or her anymore.Besides, the child comes to fear their punishers whether parents or even their teachers. This fear makes learning difficult because a child can’t learn when he or she is afraid.Dr.Bruce has shown that it is biologically impossible to learn when you are in a fearful environment. He explains that, when a child is in a fearful situation, the brain cannot process the message, “10 Reasons Spanking Your Kids is a Bad Idea.”

It’s clear that spanking should not be used as a discipline measure to correct bad behavior because despite stopping the bad behavior immediately it has been shown to cause more negative effects. Corporal punishments elicit the negative feelings that were not intended such as anger, distress fear and shame. People should replace corporal punishments with better alternatives such as promoting words instead of actions. Don’t be fast to hit instead give a listening ear. They should also learn to use positive reinforcements such as praise or rewards as they have been shown to cause long-term behavior compliance. Lastly parents should set a good example to their children, and they will emulate the good behaviors. In short, people should find better alternatives of correcting bad behavior instead of using corporal punishments.


“10 Reasons Spanking Your Kids is a Bad Idea”n.d.Web.7th October, 2013.

Catherine A, Jennifer A. M, Shawna J. L, and Janet C. R. Mothers’ Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children’s Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. (doi: 10.1542/peds.2009-2678).Web. April 12, 2010.

Dr Patrick J, M: Here’s why I don’t encourage spanking.aboutkidshealth n.d.Web.24th August, 2009.

Dr Swanson N.The Good Child Guide: Putting an End to Bad Behavior.Canada:Allegretto,2000.Print

Gershoff E, T: Report on Physical Punishment in the United States; What Research Tells Us About Its Effects on Children. Columbus, OH: Center for Effective Discipline, 2008.