Child Abuse and Neglect (Analysis) Academic Essay

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Child Abuse and Neglect (Analysis) Academic Essay

• Develop a multi-layered intervention plan involving children, their families and communities utilising a child centred, ecological perspective

•. Demonstrate the application of a body of knowledge to ethically address a problem

•.Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of current trends and discourses in family policy and practice in Australia and their relevance to families and children.

• Articulate a decision-making process that takes account of the tensions between ethical principles when the interests of children, young people, their families may conflict with the perceived interests of the broader community.

– How can you build on these internal and external strengths?

– What kind of plan and options do you need to put in place to help Zoe? Who exactly in this case study needs your attention (i.e: Zoe and her brother) and what kind of attention/help?

– What kind of services can you provide as a social worker? What needs to happen in this situation?

– How does helping Zoe’s situation influence herself, her mother, her baby brother, her school and even her community? (Systems Theory)

– Apply the Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model of Child Development theory as well as the Systems Theory when analyzing and mapping out this intervention plan.

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions