Topic: chicano studies
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research paper about a topic in chicano studies. the outline has the 10 sources that the information should come from and what the main topic my research paper should be about.
Here is the outline :
I. Proposal Topic:
A. My proposal will examine the influence and ability of Chicano/a Artwork to represent the plight of Chicano/a within the United States.
II. Primary Sources:
a) Davalos, K. M. (2008). Yolanda M. López. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press.
I. This source discusses the impact of Yolanda Lopez’s artwork upon the Chicano/a culture within the United States. Lopez uses her artwork to showcase the social and political injustices against Chicano/a. This is important to my topic because it showcases the ability of artwork to serve as a public medium for political action. Additionally, I can utilize this source to demonstrate the impact artwork can have upon a specific culture and society.
b) Gómez-Peña, G., & Mendieta, E. (2001). A Latino philosopher interviews a Chicano performance artist. Nepantla: Views from south, 2(3), 539-554.
I. This source is unique because it includes an interview between an identified Latino and Chicano. Furthermore, this piece discusses the impact that artwork can have upon the mass public. This source is important to my proposal because it includes primary quotes from an artist who strives to change the nation. Thus, I will use this source within my proposal to provide additional insight and information on how artwork can inspire and prompt a change within society.
c) Villarreal, J. A., & Antonio, J. (1979). Chicano Literature: Art and Politics from the Perspective of the Artist. The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature, 161-167.
I. This text includes numerous primary source statements and discussions with various Chicano/a artists. They discuss the motivation behind their artwork as well as any changes they have noticed within their community following the publication of such artwork. This is important to my proposal because it discusses the real life changes that have been noticed as a result of published artwork. Thus, I can use this in my proposal to provide background notes on how society has changed since the creation of public artwork.
d) Kim, S., & Quezada, P. (1995). Chicano graffiti and murals: The neighborhood art of Peter Quezada. University Press of Mississippi.
I. This source includes important examples and interviews with Peter Quezada, who is a Chicano artist. This includes information relating to why he started painting murals across his neighborhood. This is important to my proposal because it raises questions regarding the placement and purpose of specific murals. I will use this in my paper to provide an example of a male artist who wanted to make a political change through his artwork across a neighborhood.
e) Goldman, S. M. (1984). A public voice: fifteen years of chicano posters. Art Journal, 44(1), 50-57.
I. This source includes primary testaments to the voice of Chicano/a artists who created graphic posters that were designed to spark a change within their community. This text is informational and important because it showcases such posters across the decades within the United States. I will use this information in my paper to demonstrate how artwork has changed over fifteen years in the history of Chicano/a artwork.
III. Secondary Sources:
a) Martinez, M. X. (2007). The art of social justice. Social Justice, 34(1 (107), 5-11.
I. This source discusses Ester Hernandez’s iconic piece, Sun Maid. This piece of artwork is a testament to the hard work and treatment of many Chicana women within the field of agriculture in the United States. It is useful to my topic because it demonstrates how a single piece of artwork can showcase the workplace injustices and inequalities that are taking place against Chicano/a in America. Furthermore, I can utilize this piece by using it as an example of how Chicana women are treated in the workplace.
b) Blake, D. J. (2009). Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art. Duke University Press.
I. This source examines the influence and impact of various pieces of Chicano/a artwork within the United States. It is important because it also discusses how this artwork can create feelings of activism and political inspiration within the Chicano culture. I can use this within my own proposal because of the wide variety of artwork it examines as well as the manner in which it correlates artwork with political inspiration and/or activism.
c) Marin, C. (2002). Chicano visions: American painters on the verge. Little, Brown and Company.
I. This source discusses the impact that many Chicano/a artists have upon the culture and society of the United States as a whole. This is especially evident when discussing the impact of Margaret Garcia, who painted numerous inspirational pieces that questioned the treatment of Chicano/a. Consequently, this source is important to my topic because it presents additional information and examples of the ability of artwork to inspire change within the Chicano/a community. Thus, I will use this piece to advocate for such change.
d) Goldman, S., & Ybarra-Frausto, T. (1965). The political and social contexts of Chicano art. Chicano art: Resistance and affirmation, 1985, 83-95.
I. This source is important to my proposal because it includes background and contextual information on Chicano/a artwork. This will provide insight on the reasoning behind the creation of such artwork, especially examples that are inspired by political injustices. This is important to my topic because it explores the specific reasoning behind artwork’s creation. Therefore, I will use this within my paper to include information on why various artists attempt to channel their voice through their produced artwork.
e) Cockcroft, E. S. (1993). Signs from the heart: California Chicano murals. UNM Press.
I. This source provides information of various Chicano/a artwork throughout California. This text is important because it provides information that is tailored to our community. I believe this will be especially useful within my own proposal because it includes information that is about the places I grew up around. I want to use this as an example to the existence of
Chicano/a artwork throughout the United States, even in our own
IV. Bibliography:
Blake, D. J. (2009). Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art. Duke University Press.
Cockcroft, E. S. (1993). Signs from the heart: California Chicano murals. UNM Press.
Davalos, K. M. (2008). Yolanda M. López. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press.
Goldman, S. M. (1984). A public voice: fifteen years of chicano posters. Art Journal, 44(1), 50-57.
Goldman, S., & Ybarra-Frausto, T. (1965). The political and social contexts of Chicano art. Chicano art: Resistance and affirmation, 1985, 83-95.
Gómez-Peña, G., & Mendieta, E. (2001). A Latino philosopher interviews a Chicano performance artist. Nepantla: Views from south, 2(3), 539-554.
Kim, S., & Quezada, P. (1995). Chicano graffiti and murals: The neighborhood art of Peter Quezada. University Press of Mississippi.
Marin, C. (2002). Chicano visions: American painters on the verge. Little, Brown and Company.
Martinez, M. X. (2007). The art of social justice. Social Justice, 34(1 (107), 5-11.
Villarreal, J. A., & Antonio, J. (1979). Chicano Literature: Art and Politics from the Perspective of the Artist. The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature, 161-167.
Here is a grading cubic of what is expected:
Evaluation Guideline for Exams and Papers
Department of Chicano/a Studies
Grading Rubric:
I. Format: Title Page; PP Minimum; Numbered pp; Double Spaced/12 pt font (5 pts)
II. Thesis Statement (15pts)
III. Body:
Claims (25 pts)
Evidence (25pts)
Analysis (25pts)
VI. Bibliography (5pts)
When preparing your exam or paper please consider the following.
Gather relevant Data
Organize your thoughts
Provide structure
Create an Outline
Three criteria for evaluation:
Superior Paper (A/A-)
Introduction: Introductory statement and Thorough Thesis Statement.
Introductory Statement is a device to “grab” the readers’ attention.
Thesis Statement, identifies the purpose and intent of the paper, the methodology to be used, and a brief statement on the significance of the paper (what the paper contributes to our broader knowledge or to the author’s better understanding of the topic). The Thesis Statement should serve as a road map for the reader wherein the author identifies
what s/he will do (general intent)
how s/he will do it (specific arguments/claims and evidence used to support thesis)
state why the intent is significant (i.e. what new knowledge or interpretations might the subject matter present either for the audience and/or the author).
An example of a thesis statement is:
“In this essay, I will examine Acuña’s and Villa’s essays as they pertain to Manifest Destiny. I will discuss major events that occurred prior to the Mexican American War and events following the War. This discussion will be contextualized within US foreign policy dating to the late eighteenth century toward Latin America and will allow us to see (……. Claims to be made here). Specific attention will be paid to Benjamin Franklin’s “marking” Mexico for US expansion, the attempts by the United States to purchase parts of Mexico prior to the Mexican American War, the Monroe doctrine, and the Texas Revolt. Discussion of events that followed the war will include name changes of public areas, displacement and legislation that excluded non-whites, on racial grounds, from job opportunities, land ownership, and political participation. This will be discussed in order to demonstrate how the ideals of Manifest Destiny were enacted through different practices before the war and to document their consequences on the Mexican and Indian populations after the war.”
Body: Should demonstrate clarity, sustain the thesis, and be methodical.
For each point made to support the thesis you should include the following:
A statement or argument
support it with evidence or premise (including citation), and
provide analysis.
The following is an example of this:
Statement/Argument: The Spaniards dehumanized Amerindian women on multiple levels.
Support: For instance, according to Antonia Castañeda, women were victims of sexual violence at the hands of Spanish soldiers and were relegated to secondary status by Franciscan Friars and policy makers when they became part of a dowry system that was created in an effort to decrease the incidents of sexual violence. (Castañeda, p.116)
Analysis: Thus, the social position of Amerindian women was characterized by the brutality of physical and psychological terror imposed on them by soldiers and by their incorporation into the Spanish legal realm through policies that made them secondary to men. Among the various consequences, this secondary status resulted in their having less economic, political, and other opportunities than men.
Revisit the major points addressed in the paper.
Reaffirm the evidence used
Restate your analysis.
Strong Sentence Structure, grammar, and diction.
Punctuation and citation style used correctly.
Free of spelling errors.
The Final draft will contain the following:
1. Title page
a. must contain student name
b. include instructor’s name
c. include name and number of course (CHSTD 245, Chicano/a History)
d. include date of submission
e. include title of paper at top center of page.
2. Paper narrative (Required pages: Midterms 5pp.; Term Paper: 8-10 pages)
For Research Paper and Oral History Project:
a. must include a thorough thesis statement in the introduction in which the student identifies the purpose and intent of the paper, the methodology to be used, and a brief statement on the significance of the paper (what the paper contributes to our broader knowledge or to the author’s better understanding of the topic).
b. the organization of the paper must include a statement, evidence, and analysis for each point that is raised.
c. a comprehensive conclusion must reaffirm the major points that are made in the essay.
d. pages must be numbered.
e. double spaced
f. 12 pt. font will be required.
3. Bibliography.
a. Students must include a bibliography at the end of the paper
b. Method and style of citation will be according to the Chicago Style
Citations must include name of author, title of source, publication source, place, and date, and page numbers consulted for articles.
The Good Paper (B+/B)
Introduction: Promising but slightly unclear or lacking thorough “road map” for the reader.
Body: Generally clear and appropriate. May have a few unclear transitions, wanders occasionally, or paragraphs that contain few strong topic sentences.
Usually provides examples, though at times not very thorough.
Some evidence does not support the point being made.
Analysis is not altogether clear.
Sentence Structure, grammar, and diction strong despite occasional lapses.
Punctuation and citation style often used correctly.
Follows Format guidelines.
Some minor spelling errors.
Format not followed thoroughly
The Borderline Paper (B-/C+/C)
Generally unclear and vague.
Often wanders or jumps around.
Unoriginal thoughts or offers relatively little that is new.
Some examples used.
Logic or argumentation ambiguous.
Some problems in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc.
Follows Format Guidelines somewhat
Some errors in punctuation and citation style.
Format not followed thoroughly
The “Needs Help” Paper (C-/D)
Difficult to identify the intent to the paper. No or extremely vague thesis statement. (Major points of paper not identified)
Introduction rambles.
Structure is unclear and of little relevance to major points.
Few Topic or statement sentences in paragraphs.
Long Rambling paragraphs.
Ideas do not flow, usually because there is not argument to support.
Little regard for Format Guidelines
Big problems with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc.
Format not followed thoroughly.
The Failing Paper: Demonstrates minimal effort or comprehension of the assignment. Has no identifiable intent or thesis statement, major problems with structure, analysis and mechanics of writing. Does not meet assignment criteria. Assignment turned in after due date.