Contract Management
May 15, 2020
Criminal Justice Anomie/Strain Theories of Crime
May 15, 2020



The assignment is a 3,000 word research project. Students will select an industry and organisation (normally a publically quoted company) from the following: Banking and Financial Services; CIT; Media; Engineering; e-Gaming; Airlines; Retail and Energy. This should follow a period of qualifying investigation to ensure that there are sufficient source materials to support the necessary desk research.

Your investigations will be supported and supervised in the PC-based seminars.

Exclusions: You may not select an organisation or industry which has been significantly covered in your dissertation nor in any other final level module/subject. If in doubt, consult your tutor.

Format: Essay format with sectioned sub-headings; use 12 point and 1.5 spacing. Full references and bibliography in APA format. Submit your work online.

TASK: Critically analyse and evaluate the strategic management of your organisation from 2007 to the present day.

Allocation of marks:

Analysis and evaluation of:

1. How well has the company analysed its macro , industry and market environments relevant to the period under review. 30%

2. The appropriateness and fit of the strategies selected (better answers will consider alternative strategies rejected, ignored or overlooked). 30%

3. Objective evidence of the company’s performance and strategic outcomes. 25%

4. Effective use of research, writing styles, citation and referencing 15