Any of the lectures posted to the website at Freshman lecture series videos from the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic year are posted here.
Dr William Carroll, past president of the American Chemical Society, will give a lecture at 7 pm on September 24 at Mesa Community College, entitled “Where Everything Comes From – Industrial Chemistry 101”. This lecture is highly recommended, as it will be pitched at an appropriately basic level. More information is available at
Any TECHNICAL Seminar on the ASU campus (i.e., not career-oriented or skill-oriented), presented by any of the science or engineering departments or schools. (If you are unsure whether it is a valid seminar, ask on the ASU-101 Discussion Board. Be sure to post the title and the sponsoring department.)
WHEN must you have completed viewing the lectures/seminars?
BY NOVEMBER 25, 2015 at midnight.
ANYTHING ELSE you need to do?
YES: write a 1 page (double-spaced) summary of two of the seminars/presentations, and post them through the SafeAssign link below. Submit a Microsoft Word file, named “lname_Summary1.docx” (or “lname_Summary2.docx”). where “lname” is your last name. Include in your submission:
The name of speaker, and the date and title of lecture.
A brief summary of key points in the lecture.
What did you learn? What did you find most interesting?
How did the lecture relate to your own interests and career path?