Checklist for CJ526 Unit 5 Credibility Assessment

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Checklist for CJ526 Unit 5 Credibility Assessment

Use this checklist to assess the accuracy of your work.
Consider where you might need to add more content to your draft or even revise on the sentence-level.
Review your rough draft.
Complete the assessment checklist as you review your persuasive essay.
Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions.     Not Yet    Yes
Is the research current?         x
Did you make use of at least three credible sources?        x
Did you use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and validate those resources’ credibility?        x
Did you apply at least two credible sources beyond the text material and insure these sources support the topic and the assertions made in the thesis?        x
Did you discuss all the required areas in a substantive manner?         x
Did you use appropriate reference material to support major statements?        x

Is your content complete enough to address the topic and questions?     x
Is there a logical flow to your ideas?        x
Did you present the material in a clear and concise manner to provide easy readability?        x

Did you prepare your paper as a Word Document?         x
Did you use APA format to cite your sources?         x
Did you check your document for grammar and spelling?         x
Did your paper meet the length requirements?    x

Save this worksheet in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit5_Assignment).
Submit this worksheet by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment in the Dropbox by the end of Unit 5.