Chapter 7: Case Problem numbers:

How did the Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean cultures contribute to Greeks’ sense of themselves
July 10, 2020
Discuss the concept of environmental sustainability. Discuss the challenges to sustainability faced by developed, emerging, and survival economies
July 10, 2020

Chapter 7: Case Problem numbers:

Chapter 7: Case Problem numbers:


Carl Bott, a systems analyst in your department, has requested approval to take a three week leave without pay immediately following his two-week paid vacation in February. Carl and his brother want to make their childhood dream a reality by backpacking in Australia and New Zealand, and two weeks just isn’t enough time. Approve Carl’s request with the understanding that you and he will meet twice during the week before he leaves; you will need information about the status of his projects.


Technology. When you took the first can from the 12-pack of ReFresh Lemon Zest soda you bought yesterday, you knew something was wrong. You couldn’t see any damage, but it was obvious the can was not full. According to information on the can, comments or concerns should be reported at the company’s website. You log on, provide the necessary information about the product, when and where you purchased it, the price, your name, and so on. Now, it’s time to explain the problem. Write the paragraph(s) you would enter into the textbox at the site.


Roscoe’s Personalized Printing specializes in customized printing of items used for business advertisements. Jennifer Fairbanks designed an unusual calendar to be given to her customers during the holiday season. In October, Ms. Fairbanks phoned in an order for 11,000 calendars. You shipped these calendars to her in early December. On January 9, you received a letter from Ms. Fairbanks stating that she ordered only 7,000 calendars. She is willing to pay $3,500 for the calendars but not the $5,500 you charged her. You believe that she ordered more calendars than she needed; however, you are willing to adjust her bill to continue getting her business. Write a letter to Ms. Fairbanks explaining your decision to adjust the charge in her account to $3,500, and add details to make the letter complete.


Technology. The owner of your company recently purchased two pairs of season tickets for the local symphony orchestra concerts. He will retain one pair of tickets but make the other available to employees through a drawing held one week before each of the six concerts. Send an e-mail to your employee distribution list. Announce the good news and tell workers how to sign up for the first drawing, which will be held in ten days. Employees seeking information about concert dates, times, and guest artists can check the symphony’s website, Similar announcements will be sent prior to each concert.


Congratulations. You and Jerry Bydalek were finalists for a management position in your organization. Today, you learned that Jerry was selected. Prepare the message you’ll write on a congratulatory card to him.

Writer’s shop

The following items may be sentence fragments or contain errors in subject–verb agreement, pronoun–antecedent agreement, comma and semicolon placement, number display, capitalization, spelling, word choice, possessives, modifier clarity and placement, or parallelism.

Rewrite the sentences to make them correct.

1. Baste on the results of the environmental impact study, our expansion plan was modified.

2. The alteration shop repaired the zipper in Teds’ coat in fewer then 1 hour.

3. Becky used her capitol for collateral in purchasing the apartment building after she was ensured that the property would appreciate in value.

4. When developing an investment strategy be sure you keep you’re costs low stick to your long-term plans and invest with a trustworthy prudent and stabil provider.

5. Wile you were on vacation.

6. While you are in Seattle be sure to phone Max Bozwell at Ranier Industries otherwise we may loose their account.

7. Our flight to paris which was scheduled to depart at 7 p.m. was delayed for 3 hours.

8. After you have annulized the datas give the results to Paige or myself.

9. We only ordered thirty copies of the directory but we can get more if necessary.

10. Me and my boss have agreed to bring our clients to lunch at The Millenium on Friday the

thirteenth of Febuary.