University of Toronto Mississauga Department of Biology BIO201: Biology Behind the News Winter/Spring 2016
Assignment 2: Climate Change
Electronic submission to Turnitin in PDF format
All assignments must be submitted to (no hard copies) by the specified due date and time. Evaluation: (50 marks) worth 25% of final mark
Climate change is making news headlines around the world. Research done by climate scientists is showing that climate change will, and already is, seriously affecting natural ecosystems, water resources, crops, economies, human health, etc. Examples of some climate change topics that you can research include:
water (eg. water tied to food supply, water shortage)
melting ice sheets (eg. Arctic or Antarctic ice)
melting glaciers/rising sea levels
rising tides and land erosion
rising air temperature (global warming)
rising ocean temperatures
ocean acidification
species at risk
changes in geographic range of species (be specific, pick one or two species)
extreme weather events (eg. hurricanes, droughts, fires)
natural ecosystems (eg. forests, fresh water lakes, marine ecosystems, coral reefs; be specific and
pick one ecosystem)
agriculture/food production
human health (eg, extension of ranges of tropical parasites and diseases)
fossil fuels (eg. Alberta tar sands)
If you want to research a climate change topic not included in the list above, e-mail Sara-Jane your suggested topic to obtain permission.
Climate change is a global issue. Once you have picked a specific topic relating to climate change that you are most interested in researching, write an essay following the format given below.
For this assignment you will be using Nature Style Reference Formatting:
define and discuss climate change, focusing on the main causes in relation to your chosen topic
provide specific background information on your chosen topic
DISCUSSION (20 marks) use subheadings given below (plus you can add additional ones, if needed)
include informative tables, graphs, pictures, pie charts, maps where appropriate: a minimum of 1 table,
1 graph are required; can be placed under any subheading). Do not forget to provide descriptive titles and references for your tables, pictures, pie charts, maps and graphs.
Human activity: (in relation to your specific topic)
list the activities of humans (past and current) that are contributing to climate change
Consequences of climate change: (in relation to your specific topic)
what are the consequences of local and global climate change to humans and to other species
inhabiting the ecosystem/s you are discussing
is climate change leading to potential extinction of plants or animals?
how are cities like Toronto affected or will be affected by climate change?
provide at least 2 examples of consequences of climate change that have had devastating effects on
humans (in any part of the world)
Action needed: (in relation to your specific topic)
list ways humans can attempt to change, minimize, and/or reverse the negative impacts of climate
CONCLUSION: (5 marks)
very briefly, highlight the most important information about climate change that already has or will have far-reaching effects and has critical implications for humans and the health of our planet
think globally; your conclusion should have a global focus
REFERENCES: (5 marks)
you need a minimum of 4 scientific references (a minimum of 2 primary research articles and 2
scientific review articles) published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Additional articles may be
primary or secondary review journal articles.
1 or 2 reputable web sites are optional (examples:,,, etc.)
For this assignment you will be using Nature Style Reference Formatting: Please refer to Mindy
Thunas tutorial presentation.
Writing/Communication (10 marks)
Paragraphs must be well structured and coherently organized. Writing must be grammatically correct and your ideas must flow in a logical sequence. You must use correct scientific writing and terminology. Essays must be written in third person in your own words (no direct quotes).
You must understand that copying and pasting information, even if referenced, is an academic offence. Do not forget to carefully reference your essay using in-text citations.
Formatting (3 marks)
You must include a cover page, which will include your title, your name, student number, course code, and date. Your final essay will be a maximum length of 8 pages, double-spaced, 10 to 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, in PDF format. Page 1 is your cover page, pages 2-7 contain your essay, with tables, maps, pictures and graphs included, and page 8 contains your list of references.For this assignment you will be using Nature Style Reference Formatting: