Change Research and Application Report
This Change Research and Application Report provides students with the opportunity to gain skill practice in analyzing the scholarly research pertaining to organizational change and development, and applying these concepts to an actual change experience.
The Change Research and Application Report must be in Word and follow APA editorial style (APA, 6th ed.), be double-spaced, utilizing a 12-point font size, in a Times New Roman font, with a one-inch margin. It should be 1000 – 1800 words, not including the cover page, reference page, and any appendices. The content of the report should include the following major headings: Introduction; Review of the Article; Implications and Recommendations; Application to Case Example. The report must be submitted to SafeAssign in “Assignments” and any citation problems fixed. The report must also be submitted to LiveText as the Hallmark Assessment for the course. An executive summary, using a bulleted summary format, of the report must also be posted in Discussion Board.
Competencies and Standards
ASTD: 3, 5, 8, 11, 17
UofL Ideas to Action Critical Thinking Standards:
6. Demonstrates an understanding of key concepts, ideas, theories, definitions, principles, models etc.
7. Checks inferences for consistency, can identify assumptions that lead to inferences, and infers only what the evidence implies.
Description and Process
This assignment requires conducting an analysis of a change process involved in one or more of the change consulting process steps described in Anderson (2013), pp. 96 and 97, as well as throughout Patterson et al (2013).
Theories and concepts learned in the course are used to guide and interpret the change process topic and to demonstrate understanding of course concepts relating to organizational change and organization development. Observations and actions taken during the application portion of this project must be described in relation to terms and concepts found in the literature (shown by citations within the text of the report). All citations will have their related references included at the end of the report.
Students must receive instructor approval for their report topic, and may choose to apply researched concepts pertaining to the change and development influence change topic at the individual or team level, or in certain cases, at the organizational level. The applied example used for analysis may be from the students’ work teams/ organizations, volunteer organizations, university groups, religious organizations, schools, family, or non-profit organizations.
Process Steps:
1) Look in your Anderson text at the References section at the end of the book.
2) Choose one article from this list in the Anderson text from a scholarly journal to review. Articles may only be chosen from the list of approved journals provided in these guidelines. Once you have identified an article title that interests you from the Reference section of your Anderson text, check to see that the article comes from the approved list of journals below. Post your article choice in Discussion Board and check to see that no one else has already chosen the article – one person per article. Look up the article in U of L’s online database.
3) After looking up the article in U of L’s online database, read the article and write a 500-600 word review of the major points of the article, being careful to use your own words and not direct quotations from the article.
4) In the second major section of your paper (500-1200 words), describe and diagnose a specific situation with which you are familiar to which principles in the article could be applied. Use terms from the article and from the textbooks to analyze this specific case.
1) Post your 1000-1800 wordChange Research and Application Report at the SafeAssign link, found in Assignments. After posting in SafeAssign, post your report in LiveText. A suggested outline for the report is as follows:
• Introduction, including purpose of the paper and title of the article
• Review of the Article, including its purpose, method, results, and conclusions.
• Implications and recommendations for organizational change and development practitioners from the article
• Application of principles from the article to an actual case example:
o Describe the situation
o Diagnose the situation using course and article concepts
o Prescribe ways the situation was or could be improved using course and article concepts.
2) Post an Executive Summary of your paper in Discussion Board, so that colleagues in the class may learn from and comment on your article research. The Executive Summary should be written in 500 words or less and use headings and bullets to summarize the purpose (title of article), major findings from the article, recommendations for practitioners, and application of article findings to a real situation.