Chandler, in his Introduction’ to The Visible Hand (1977), argues that a new form of management was developed
around 1850, combining a line-and-staff structure with processes of administrative co-ordination’, and that
this new form of management
1. Drawing initially on Chandler (1977) and Hoskin & Macve (1990), discuss what you see as the key features of
(a) the structure and (b) the processes that make up the new form of management as described by Chandler. Pay
attention in your discussion to the roles played within the new staff’ function by accounting and
accountants, and how these contribute to the new processes of administrative coordination’.
2. Seal et al (2012: p10) argue that in recent decades there have been important innovations in management
accounting’. Critically evaluate one such management accounting innovation’, and indicate in your answer how
far this has (or has not) transformed the management of the modern business enterprise’.
[We strongly recommend that you begin developing your answer by working (i) with the material provided in
module lectures and seminars, and Seal et al (2012),pp 08-11, and (ii) with the references cited as footnotes
1-7 on those pages: the sources cited are namechecked in the Chapter Endnotes at Seal et al(20120 ,p20 and
full details on each source will be draw on further relevant academic papers and/or research articles. List of
resources: -Relevance Lost:the rise and fall of management acc. 1987, Johnson and Kaplan,
– The history of management acc.: relevance found in Issues in Management Accounting, 1995, Loft
-Managing it all by numbers: a review of Johnson&Kaplan’s Relevance Lost’ 1990, 20(78) pp.153-66
– Management accounting: European Perspetives, (1996) Bhiman