Challenge of Manulife Micro insurance specifically in Vietnam market and commonly in the whole market.

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Challenge of Manulife Micro insurance specifically in Vietnam market and commonly in the whole market.

In Vietnam, please follow the below frame idea
A. Government:
• Government doesn’t support low-income people —> Affects to the
gross sale of the company.
• Change in regulation (stop subsidizing to pay for healthcare): the
company is not adaptive enough to follow the change.
B. Actual delivery to clients (communication channel):
• There are many different ways of offering the products to customer.

• The company needs to consider them carefully and make a good
selection of which models should be used (agents, partnership, etc.).
• As every country is different, they also need to make very detailed,
good, clear policies in order to protect their clients that still adhere to
• Balance between sufficient protection of the company and offering
affordable product with its true value for clients.

In the whole market, you can write it on your own idea