Cell divison, When the sperm cell unites with egg cell this

Ashworth college BZ420 Online Exam 7 latest 2016
April 18, 2020
Solution-Why are metastatic cancers so difficult to treat
April 18, 2020

Cell divison, When the sperm cell unites with egg cell this

1) Some substances not usually found in large quantities in urine would be ______, ______, ______, and ______.

2) When the sperm cell unites with egg cell this is known as ______.   Usually, this happens in the ______.   After four or five days, the developing zygote arrives the uterus, where it burrows into the wall of the uterus, in a process known as ______.

3) Cell division without growth is known as ______.   The developing stage of the fertilized egg till it is nine weeks old is known as the ______.   After nine weeks, the embryo is known as a ______.   The hormone ______ is commonly tested for in the pregnancy tests, and helps to maintain the corpus luteum.   This keeps level of the ______ high during the pregnancy.   The connection between mother and developing embryo is a tissue known as the ______.  

4) Childbirth is also known as ______.   The key stages of labor are known as ______, ______, and ______.