causes of gender-based violence

Question 8-20A,8-24A: 8-27A_Standard Costing_Variance analysis
June 25, 2020
2 Questions with a min of 200 words
June 25, 2020

causes of gender-based violence

causes of gender-based violence

Part 1:
Use the following books to answer the essay question. Write a 4 pages essay. Be sure to answer ALL those aspects (a&b) of the essay question as those are the points come from. In addition, please USES examples from readings/books to elaborate/support your essay.
(Let the professor feels that you have actually read the books/reading he assigns).
Books Lists:
1. Kate Chopin (1899) 1993. The Awakening. W. W. Norton
2. Arthur Miller (1949) 1996. Death of a Salesman. Penguin.
3. James Messerschmidt 2000. Nine Lives: Adolescent Masculinities, the Body, and Violence. Westview
4. Jo Roger 2012. Everywhere and nowhere: Contemporary Feminism in the United States. Oxford University Press.
5. Maxine Baca Zinn, PierretteHondagneu-Sotelo& Michael A. Messner, eds. 2010. Gender Through the Prism of Difference, 4th edition. Oxford University Press.
Drawing from readings, discuss the common causes of gender-based violence perpetrated by a) adolescent males, and b) adult males in homosocial organizations like sports and the military. Making direct links to these causes, outline the social changes that you think would help to stop, prevent, or mitigate future acts of gender-based violence.

Part 2:
Draw from the reading lists, in 2-4 sentences, please includes:
a. The definition of the term (base on your understanding), AND
b. An example or explanation drawn DIRECTLYfrom readings that illustrates the term’ SIGNIFICANCE
1. What is Ideology of male supremacy
2. What is Post-feminism
3. What is Movement abeyance
4. What is Generation Fluoride
5. What is Political Generation
6. What is The Click vs. Surfacing
7. What is Slutwalks
8. What is Gender Reclamation
9. What is Focused feminist identity
10. What is Suppression of empathy
11. What is Culture of Silence
12. What is Masculinity Resources
13. What is Masculinity Challenges
14. What is Grassroots Movement Feminism
15. What is Pedestal Effect
16. What is MyStrength Campaign