Causative Factors of Sex Offending

To prepare for this assignment:
May 21, 2020
Greek Mythology Ques.
May 21, 2020

Causative Factors of Sex Offending

Forensic Psychology and Criminal Investigation
Causative Factors of Sex Offending:

In this Hand-in Assignment, you apply causative factors of sex offending to a media case study, Sexual Offender Interview, and explain which factor(s) you think are most important in the development of his sexual offending behaviour. In order to prepare for this assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources and the media case study, Sexual Offender Interview.

€¢ Identify which of the causative types of factors the individual in the media case study exhibited.
€¢ Explain which factor(s) you think are most important in the development of his sexual offending behaviour.
€¢ Be specific and cite evidence from the media case study and literature to support your answer.