Caulfield-Malaysia campus and DE students: Please follow this 2-step submission process:

Assignment assessment criteria:
July 19, 2020
Alfred Hitchcock (North by Northwest and Rear Window)
July 19, 2020

Caulfield-Malaysia campus and DE students: Please follow this 2-step submission process:

a) Before submitting your assignment, ensure that you have first completed the Individual or group Assignment Cover Sheet, which is available at:
In the case of group assignment each member has to indicate his/her percentage of contribution in whole group assignment. Only one group report is required.
b) Submit an electronic version (in MS-Word format) of the assignment to submission site for all enrolled students in the Use either Times New Roman font size 12 or Arial font size 11 and 1.15 line spacing.
Plagiarism is not acceptable any students suspected of copying other students work will be referred immediately to the relevant University disciplinary committee.
Extension Policy:
Note the extension policy in the Unit Guide. When an extension is to be requested, students should consult the lecturer in person. Extensions will not be granted due to last minute technical problems such as an inability to connect to the Internet, PC problems etc.
Late Submissions:
Late submissions will be incurred a penalty of 5% (i.e. deduction of 5 marks out of actual assignment mark awarded) per working day late.
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Other Questions:
Please contact your tutor / lecturer should you require further clarifications.
Evaluation Criteria:
This assignment will be assessed in terms of the following broad criteria:
a) Completeness (contents addressing the key areas)
b) Correctness (demonstrating research skills by identifying and using relevant sources)
c) Presence of relevant information (showing cognitive skills: analysis, evaluation)
d) And clarity of expression (showing writing skills: structure, expression, presentation)
More specifically, same as assignment 1s marking guides will be used.
Assignment Aims and learning objectives
This assignment is designed to evaluate students understanding about the importance of issues that are to be considered in the implementation of agile enterprise architecture. Please note that the terms the services, business cases, scenarios and views in enterprise architecture and business architecture (business plan and model) are used in their broad senses.
Specifically the assignment focuses on the What and How aspects of an Agile EA and its underlying fundamental concept, principle of practice and theoretical complexity issues. In particular, the assignment requires students to critically think about the relationship among enterprise IT architecture and business strategic and operation goals. Students are also expected to understand how various factors may influence formulation and subsequent implementation of enterprise architecture in organizations. Students are required to consult prescribed e-text books, YouTube and tutorial class presentation materials, published EA articles in the literature, electronic sources (including FIT5133 lecture notes) on enterprise architecture and management. For each question, at least one more reference in addition to textbook, lecture slides must be included. Consistent referencing is required throughout the assignment.
There are two options and you need to choose ONE of the two options. Student who opts for group (2 members per group) assignment (i.e. Option#2) is required to find another partner by him- or her-self. Tutors can only assist but NOT find the partner on your behalf.
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Option#1 Individual Assignment
1. The Levit Diamond theory places importance of program structure, team members (people), EA methodology (task) and EA tools (technology) in contributing to the effectiveness of EA in helping organisations build digital services that are aligned to their strategies and business processes. What can be an appropriate organisation structure for an EA program, based on Bernards example of EA team members position titles, roles and responsibilities (Chapter 9, page 184-185)
20 marks
2. How does Bernards EA team members position titles (page 185) cross reference to the work-breakdown of EA specifications of strategic, business and ICT artefacts?
20 marks
3. (a) What is an EA program governance framework? 10 marks
(b) What are examples of the guidelines it contain to ensure EA programs are delivered successfully. 10 marks
Total 20 marks.
4. (a) What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? 10 marks
(b) Big Data and RFID are current hot emerging technologies that are enabling IoT developments. How may Big Data or RFID technology change an organisations strategy, business, information, systems and network dimensions of its EA? 30 marks
Total 40 marks
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Option #2: Group (Pair) Assignment
1. The Levit Diamond theory places importance of program structure, team members (people), EA methodology (task) and EA tools (technology) in contributing to the effectiveness of EA in helping organisations build digital services that are aligned to their strategies and business processes.
What can be an appropriate organisation structure for the Sparx case studys EA program?
20 mark
2. All EA frameworks identify the layers of EA specifications that require documentation.
(a) What are the layers mentioned in the Sparx case study ? (5 marks)
(b) Compare these layers with those of the EA3 and Zachmans Enterprise Architecture Framework and conclude which one best match the Sparxs EA frameworks layers. 25 marks
Total 30 marks
3. Using your answer from (2) list the types of EA specification artefacts that the Sparxs EA framework would contain.
20 marks
4. (a) Discuss the evaluation basis the government client may have used to select the Sparx solution as its EA development tool? 15 marks
(b) Discuss the other possible reasons that could have contributed to the selection of the Sparx tool (bearing in mind it is the consulting firm that recommended the Sparx solution to the government client)? 15 marks
Total 30 marks
*****The End*****
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