Case study Topic:i Virginia Department of Transportation case study

The ER that Became the Emergency: Managing the Double Bind
August 2, 2020
Consider the following scenario_Excel Template
August 2, 2020

Case study Topic:i Virginia Department of Transportation case study

After winning the 2001 election, the new governor of Virginia, Mark Warner, named Phillip Shucet to head the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). Shucet was eager to bring his private-sector experience and management experience to VDOT, and he knew it would be a challenge. VDOT was renowned for its engineering innovation and cutting-edge research. More recently, though, the departments public reputation had become damaged, and employee morale had hit rock bottom. The case describes the situation at the time the commissioner took over and offers a glimpse into the workings of a large governmental agency.Part 1 of your paper should address the following:1. Identify three management theories (one from classical approaches, one from the human relations approach, and one from the modern management approaches) that you think would be applicable in managing VDOT and the impact this change might have on organizational behavior within VDOT. Justify your choices with examples.2. Explain how VDOT has reacted to the six challenges that face managers in the 21st century and evaluate its impact on VDOTs effectiveness. These challenges are: ethics, globalization, technology, knowledge, diversity and change.