American people in depression and war
September 30, 2020
Content of Tabloids and Sensationalism
September 30, 2020

Case Study: The Age 60 Rule

Case Study: The Age 60 Rule

Project description

The “Age 60 Rule” was recently changed to the “Age 65 Rule” but is still a controversial issue in the aviation industry. On the surface the idea that pilots cannot fly after the age of 65 may resonate as a good safety measure. On the other hand, it smacks of age discrimination.

For this assignment, complete the following:

Read case 9-2 (p. 273-276) from chapter 9 in Fundamentals of Aviation Law
Answer the following 3 questions.

Why do you agree or disagree with the circuit court’s assessment in this case?
Why or why not was the FAA arbitrary or capricious in deciding not to amend the Age 60 Rule?
What arguments can be made that may ensure an amendment to the Age 60 Rule?