Employment Discrimination and the Bona Fide Occupation Qualification
June 13, 2020
Corporations Law
June 13, 2020

Case Study: Tanzania

Case Study: Tanzania,

1. History/Background of Tanzania (brief please)…this should be linked with current issues of governance, human rights, and democratic development: the religious divide in the country (Muslim, Christian, and Traditional African Religions – please briefly describe the percentages and some of the tensions). Also, can you please describe the ethnic or demographic breakdown (there are Africans, East Indians, etc. In what ways has the colonial past affected them? (Please provide maps in the text of the country and other relevant areas).

2. Can you provide a chart of all the International Human Rights Treaties that Tanzania has signed or is a party to? You should be able to find this on the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) site.

3. How has development aid contributed to improved governance – please highlight Canada’s (CIDA’s) aid here. CIDA website should help…

4. How are development partners contributing to improved governance in Tanzania? Please note the contributions to governance of other bilateral donors and also multilateral – UN, World Bank etc.

5. What is the added-value of civil society organizations in governance in Tanzania? (both local i.e., Tree of Hope in Tanga on ending Gender Based Violence and international, i.e., Oxfam, the Tanganika Law Society, )
6. What opportunities are there for leveraging Canada’s investment in governance in Tanzania through civil society organizations or professional societies such as the Auditor General etc.?