Case study Report; mental health hospital exhibiting bizarre and uninhibited behaviour

Operations Management: Process Designing
September 28, 2020
Training Needs Assessment, Part 2
September 28, 2020

Case study Report; mental health hospital exhibiting bizarre and uninhibited behaviour

Case study Report; mental health hospital exhibiting bizarre and uninhibited behaviour

Paper details

Toying is a 22-year old married woman who has been admitted to a mental health hospital exhibiting bizarre and uninhibited behaviour. She believes that a group of

people are inserting thoughts into her head by means of a “psychophallic device”. She stays in her room and does not want to interact with staff or other service users

on the ward.

-how the case study may be helped or hindered in the society by the mental health care system,
-compare and contrast the care study with regards to mental health concepts and the treatment system, and how age, social class and ethnicity may help or hinder the

person’s recovery.
-show understanding in ways which the conceptualisation of mental health and illness have changed over time
-compare and contrast the different types of modern models of mental of mental health health and illness
-evaluate the database about the ways in which structural division such as gender, age, social class, and ethnicity affect modern ideas about mental illness
-discuss the ways in which the British health system deals with issues of mental health and illness
-USE TWO THEORIES-Biomedical model and Social model
-advantages and disadvantages
-diagnosis (DSM5) briefly
-signs and symptoms (WHO) briefly
-assessment (NICE Guidelines) briefly
-advantages and disadvantages
ASSESSMENT (briefly)
-consent, capacity, and treatment decision
-early intervention services
-family intervention
-Employment and education
The Report should consist of:
-front cover
-content cover
-case study (word limit not included)
-Introduction to the report
-references (15)