Case study of public management:

SIDS (sudden infant death)
May 14, 2020
Leadership Theories
May 14, 2020

Case study of public management:

Case study of public management:

The case is Improving service outcomes and public value.’
The paper should be 1800 words and cover the following:
€¢ Identification of a topic that is focused and appropriate for this assessment item
€¢ Clear statement of intent and how this will be handled
€¢ Evidence of relevant reading and research
€¢ Effective use of a range of academic sources
€¢ Evidence that the task has been effectively executed.
These will provide the basis for the assessment criteria, as well as the overall presentation.
It will be essential to use academic concepts and theory and to make effective use of a range of academic sources. Options need to be discussed with the lecturer at an earlier stage, and should take the form of a statement of intent.
My letter to the lecturer and this is outline for assessment.
Dear Professor John Halligan,

I am very pleased to be writing this letter to you. Accordingly, I would like to inform you that I have now chosen the case study for my forthcoming assessment. The case selected will be entitled Improving service outcomes and public value’.

In terms of the case that I have selected, first of all I intend to explain the overall outline to you. Subsequently, I will provide a written description of the case, providing details and context. Then, I will undertake analysis of any problems or issues for the particular case. Third, I will go on to provide some illustrative examples to support my point such as education or health in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, I will work up some potential solutions in light of reading the background theory for this case . Finally, I will deal with any arising issues which may affect my suggested solution, including any areas which may require further work.

This is the proposal for my topic which I hope you will agree is a suitable challenge for this assessment. I am looking forward to working on it once I have your feedback. Thank you for your time and please let me know if you would like any further information in respect of this proposal.
He responds the letter, and he accepted my proposal.
Dear Hatem

Thank you for your carefully thought through proposal. Presumably you have sources for the planned paper. It would be helpful if there are secondary sources on this question that comment on outcomes.

I have no other comments on the outline at this point, but would be pleased to respond at a later stage.
Important note: you should be to put the examples. please the examples to be for the Saudi Arabia.