Although the words food security and food sovereignty are used interchangeably, they are different concepts. This paper considers the difference between the two concepts in the analysis of Belo Horizonte food programs.
For thirteen years, Belo Horizonte has benefited from its food security program. It can be asserted that the city has achieved both food security and food sovereignty since the initiation of the food security program. Belo Horizonte city has achieved food security in that the individuals of the city do not lack food. There is enough food for the children, the young adults in schools and also the old. The food needs of the city have been met and the community members have been sustained. Food insecurity is associated with the difficulty in accessing food. Food insecurity occurs when people have no means to acquire sufficient food. In regard to Belo Horizonte, the city has overcome food insecurity. This is because the people in the city obtain, not only sufficient food, but quality food (Ahumada, Luz, Perez &Santamaría, 2009). They have not achieved food security from imports, organizational aids or food from food organizations. They plant their own food. This enables them to have safe and quality food. In addition, farmers in the places where the food comes from also benefit from their activities as their food is bought at a higher price. One of the millennium development objectives is to cut the world hunger by half by the year 2015(Ahumada, Luz, Perez& Santamaría, 2009, p21). The world is striving to achieve food security in the future. This is what Belo Horizonte city has done and is still striving to do. Though food security does not regard the quality, location and the source of food, it can be concluded that Belo Horizonte city has achieved more than what food security entails. This is because the food is of high quality and is produced locally.
In reality, what Belo Horizonte has achieved is food sovereignty. Food sovereignty is achieved when people have the access to a healthy and locally produced food through ecologically acceptable and sustainable methods. Belo Horizonte city, through the food security program produces food with dignity. As the case study states, the food that is produced in the city provides the nutritional requirements needed by the people. The achievements that have been realized from the program are many. For example, infant mortality has dropped from 34.4 deaths per 1,000 live births to approximately three deaths per 1, 000 live births(Ahumada, Luz, Perez& Santamaría, 2009, p19). This is an achievement that originates from the nutritional content of the food produced in the city. Food sovereignty incorporates issues such as local markets, autonomy, debt, health and territorial control. The food security program in the city supports local and organic food and supports small-scale farmers by buying their farm produce. Food sovereignty has been achieved because the program does not only address hunger, but also emphasizes on quality, nutritious and locally made food.
Food security occurs when all people have economic and substantial access to safe, adequate and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active lifestyle. The Belo Horizonte city has achieved food security in that; first, there is availability of food. Food is produced by local farmers. Farmers supply their local produce to the local markets. Farmer’s markets have been expanded in the city and food produce is sold directly to the people rather than to the retailers. As such, more profits go to careers to support their local businesses. As such, the population much available fresh and good quality food. The poor also have access to the food. People access quality at the city markets where farmers sell the products at a state-set price. Due to the availability of food, the program has reduced poverty as well as giving farmersmore profitable role in the market. Another aspect of food security is accessibility; the people’s physical and economic ability to acquire food. Since the people in Belo Horizonte have been empowered by the food security program, they are physically and economically stable to acquire food. For example, if people can produce their food and also sell to acquire income, this means that they are stable.
Belo Horizonte has achieved food security because of the element of acceptability that is the nutritional and the suitability of the available food. The case study indicates that the food that is produced in the city is suitable for the community. Organic food decreases health problems, especially in this age where wealth is associated with diseases such as obesity. Culturally produced food such as fruits and vegetables are suitable for the community in terms of the nutritional requirements needed by their bodies. Organic food produced by farmers is low in calories and,therefore, low risk of diseases(Ahumada, Luz, Perez& Santamaría, 2009, p19). Another important aspect that supports that Belo Horizonte has achieved food security is the Food Security Program. The people have access to the right information on food quality, supply and safety. Therefore, they make the right choices. The food security program has cooperated with municipalsecretariats of health and social assistants who work with other professionals and clinicians to identify families and children who are at risks as well supplementing the diets of expecting mothers at little cost. The people of Belo Horizonte have also been educated through community shows, school programs on the importance of nutritional food. Such activities not only promote citizen ownership of basichuman right to food security, but also teach them on fundamental principles as well as help them make informed decisions concerning nutrients.
Belo Horizonte food security program reflects the objectives of the food sovereignty movement. The Belo Horizonte food security programme is the world’s most complete policy that deals with hunger and secures a healthy future supply of food (Ahumada, Luz, Perez &Santamaría, 2009). The program intervenes in the economy to help businesses respect the food needs of the people, even those with low incomes. As such, problems associated with food deserts are avoided. Also, the program encourages the production of vegetables and fruits by low-income and small scale farmers (Ahumada, Luz, Perez& Santamaría, 2009, p19). This is a way towards food sovereignty. The incomes of small-scale farmers who are close to the city are raised. This achieves the anti-poverty objective that helps people to purchase the food they need. Also, local and small farmerslive on their land rather than moving to the overcrowded city which is characterized by poverty and overcrowding. The program achieves the objective of food sovereignty by increasing the availability of fresh and healthy food for all the people. Fruits and vegetables are ignored by large-scale farmers in Brazil. Therefore, by producing such healthy food, the program has achieved food sovereignty.
Ahumada, M., Luz, K., Pérez, R., &Santamaría, J. 2009. “Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: Context,Evolution and Current Situation”. In “Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) report: IAASTD, International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development”, Chapter 1, pp. 1-74.