Use the graph to answer the questions below for the market for t-shirts.
Fill in the blank (copy and paste to a separate word file):
a. What is the market price? ______ market quantity? _______.
b. On the graph, which price shows excess demand? _______.
c. An increase in quantity demanded would be a movement from point (a) to point ___.
Suppose there is a sale on jeans. What happens to the market equilibrium (price and quantity)? Be sure to use the concept of shifting supply or demand and how jeans affect the market for t-shirts.
If t-shirts are a normal good, what happens if income increases? Give some examples of inferior goods.
Suppose the price of t-shirts decreases by 30% and quantity demanded increases by 60%, calculate the price elasticity of demand. Is this considered inelastic or elastic? Explain
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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions