Topic: Case Study 2 – Starbucks
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
Starbucks Questions
Starbucks detected an opportunity in the social and cultural environment that facilitated their success. Elaborate on this statement.
Starbucks competitive situation has changed over time as the market and industry have changed. Use Porters Five Forces Model (p. 73) to analyse Starbucks current competitive situation. Do you think that their current competitive situation was always like this? What do you think might have been the competitive situation when Starbucks first began?
Starbucks have had to change some of their marketing strategies over time as the market has changed. What are two of their marketing strategies to compete in dynamic market
see this link to answer this case is very important
case study starbockse
Assessment Criteria Used for Case Study Tasks
Criterion Weight %
Key relevant facts and issues of the case outlined and summarized 10
Applied analysis of situation using marketing strategy concepts / models and theories 30
All aspects of questions addressed 5
Any recommendations outlined, developed from analysis and justified 10
Quality of expression and presentation; appropriate referencing 5
Total – 18 marks 60
Additional 2 marks for each case study effectively submitted by the due date and including the above criteria 40
Total marks – 12 100